Can you make money with automobile related niches? Have you thought of targeting those areas?
Some time ago, I totalled my car, and I needed to go through the trouble to rent a car, get a new one, and etc. During the whole process, I noticed that Internet marketers are once again making every opportunity to target some of the automobile related niches.
Usually after you crash your car, first you might want to get a rental as soon as possible. Talking about car rental deals, insurance companies always provide their own recommendations. Internet marketers can’t do much here, most people would just follow the given instruction and get a rental conveniently from one of those nationwide car rental franchises nearby.
On the other hand, a new car purchase is a different story, Internet marketers pay much attention to new car buyers and interest-based targeted advertisements work wonders here. Ever since I visited a few of those car dealers websites, everywhere I go online, I see lots of car ads. When searching for the most appropriate car to buy, some of the popular search phrases I used include “best selling cars 2015”, “2015 safest cars”, “2015 least expensive cars to insure”, “car clearance deals”, “the most stolen and least vehicles”, “most fuel efficient cars”, “best mileage cars”, tons of results show up. Some are useful, some are not. After spending hours searching for the ideal car, insurance cost is the next thing to consider.
Some auto insurance websites are not as legitimate as you think, I bet some of them are actually operated by marketers trying to collect auto insurance leads. While I tried to compare prices, I randomly picked two from the search result first page and filled out some forms. Right after I hit the submit button, instead of giving me an online quotation as advertised on their webpages, one displayed a database error, and the other one suggested that they would get back to me. Are they trying to sell my data later?
Many times when you get into a car accident and receive a ticket, you might want to hire a ticket fighter to fight for you. Online reputation management plays an important role in this ticket fighting business. Due to the fact that I live in a metropolitan area, there are many ticket fighting services available. I finally narrowed down to two companies, and went for the one with the most positive reviews and likes, I guess that’s what most people would do right? So if you also live in a big city like me, maybe you could consider offering some kind of online reputation management services to some specific service industry… 🙂