This morning I turned on my computer and saw that little notification about Windows 10 being downloaded and ready to be installed. So I happily hit the button and waited for something great to happen… After two hours of waiting, it seems like the free upgrade wouldn’t work despite its message saying “Working on it”.
I decided to try my luck with Windows Update, i.e. click Windows 10 upgrade there. It works! My computer restarted with the message “Configuring update for Windows 10, 0% complete, Do not turn off your computer”. After it finished, the computer restarted a few more times, and I have Windows 10 working within an hour.
Here is what I think about Windows 10: My computer does run faster now. The new browser Edge looks and works sort of like Chrome, It looks minimalist and runs fast. The built-in game Candy Crush Saga is quite addictive, in my opinion, it is more fun than Solitaire or Minesweeper. 🙂 The OS also comes with a software called 3D Builder, not sure how it works yet, but it sounds interesting.
Everything seems cool, but Windows 10 is not without its problem. Some software are not yet compatible with Windows 10. For example, I got a 1141 Fatal Application Error trying to load Rosetta Stone, the error message was, “The good news: This is a very rare error. The bad news: You’re seeing it.” 🙂 After a reboot, that error went away, but now the whole screen turns black, I suppose Rosetta Stone are working on an update. Another problem is with the desktop wallpaper directory, I can still find the Bing wallpaper stored at this location: C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes, but wallpaper files I used to store there have been deleted. Well, I can still get them back from the Bing wallpaper archive.