If for whatever reason you are looking for a reliable offshore web hosting service, here is a good list of offshore web hosting service provider. For example, PRQ is a hosting provider based in Sweden, a free speech haven. As long as your content is legal in Sweden, they will host it. They even offer a discreet customer relation policy that they don’t even have to know who you are. But of course, great services usually come with a price. Offshore web hosting is usually a bit more expensive than regular web hosting such as Hostgator.
Bahamas & Jamaica
Secure Hosting – 10 GB disk space, 50 GB monthly traffic – $29 / month
Belgium & Netherlands
My Cyber Hosting – 10 domains, 2 GB disk space, 30 Gb monthly traffic +0.50€/Gb extra, 10 email – 50€ / year
NetIntelligence – 1 domain, 1 GB disk space, unlimited monthly traffic – $50 / year
Giga-International – 1 domain, 10 GB disk space, 5000 GB monthly traffic, 10 MySQL databases, 400 email, 400 FTP accounts – 2.99€ / month + 19.99€ one-time setup
exabytes – Unlimited domains, unlimited disk space, unlimited monthly traffic, unlimited databases, unlimited email – $62.28 / 24 months
HostingPanama – 3 domains, 30 GB disk space – $100 / year
Ruskahost – Unlimited domains, 20 GB disk space, 200 GB monthly traffic, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited emails – $4.95 / month
Anonymous Hosting – 10 domains, 1 GB disk space, 100 GB monthly traffic, 10 MySQL databases – 9.95 EUR / month
South Africa
afrihost – 2 GB disk space, 2 GB monthly traffic, 1 MySQL database, 75 emails – R39 / month
Solo Gigabit – Shared hosting is not available, only VPS and dedicated servers are offered.
PRQ – Unlimited domains, 1 GB disk space, 30 GB monthly traffic – $13 / month
Hosting.UA – 1 domain, 1GB disk space, unlimited monthly traffic, 1 200MB MySQL database, 20 email – 220 UAH / year, 30 UAH setup fee. 1 USD = 8UAH